Monday, April 10, 2006

Another Misadventure of KCED

Listen to this fantastical bit of truth. Unbeknownist to but a handful of people I am a realtor. Part of my job is showing houses to people. So, a week or so ago, I was showing a house in one of your fairer complected areas of long island, new york. I had a brand new car, a clean shaven face and my spiffiest of clothes on. While waiting paitently for my buyer to materialize I was met by not one, not two, but three (three!) squad cars all representing that particular fair complected onclave. I greeted the officers with firm handshakes, business cards and my telling them, "I knew you would get here eventually."
The other part of my job is trying to convince people to sell their home through me. The day after my encounter with the long island coppers I was marketing in my own neighborhood. The quaint burg where I had spent my formative years and needless to say, in the words of Ray Nagin, a "Chocolate City." As I walked the calm streets I met eyes with two local urchin who took it upon themselves to attempt to rob me. Thankfully they were unsuccesful.
It was in this fashion that I passed two days as a realtor.


Blogger heathen saint said...

Sads, It's often more than parents who just don't understand.

6:35 AM  

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