Monday, July 24, 2006


I have always been attracted to antiques and the way things were done in the past. For instance, I shave with a straight razor. I lather up with the beaver hair brush and ever so gently run the blade across my cheek with a mind to have a baby soft face. I play LPs, that's right vinyl, on my phonograph. Granted, it's a new fangled doohickey with a CD player and cassette deck but that doesn't take away from the joy I get from hearing that initial crackle of needle meeting wax. Things somehow sound better on a device which you can't dance around for fear of making your favorite song skip. Tobacco is preferable from a well broken in pipe and time seems somehow more precise when I click open my pocket watch. The golden age of radio stirs my imagination even though it's coming to me live from nowhere via satellite radio. Film for my antique cameras is nearly impossible to find but when I come accross it I'll take some nice shots with my grandfather's old Kodak Brownie or my uncle's Argus 8mm he used in the Korean War.


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