On the train...
Ok, dig this if you can dig it. I was moving through the subterranean arteries of the Big Apple via the ever vigilant and always reliable iron horse. You know what I'm saying right? I was riding the train. I had a meeting, the business type, in upper Manhattan. Way upper actually. Took the 7 to the 6 to the stop to get there and meant to make the same trip home in reverse. It wasn't to be that day, however, because someone decided to start a fire beneath the Gotham streets henceforth making the first leg of my journey home an impossibility along that particular artery. Never fear though, I walked a few blocks in one of the compass directions and found another line to get me home. I cought a 1 or a 9 and headed south for a spell and found my way back to the 7. In the car and sitting across from me was a trio of rather attractive women to whom I gave a passing glance, noted their aesthetics and continued to read the tome I had with me at that time ( a rather large book about the Civil War, if you were interested). So I'm sitting there, right, making all scholarly and I get the feeling to look up. Low and behold a member of that previously mentioned trio was staring at me. Or at least I though she was. I continued to read my volume and figured I'd check for the spectator once more. That I did and spectator I found. She was drilling into my skull with her eyes and not in that "you sir are an oddity" kind of way either. It was more of a "i'd like to taste you" kind of way. Fancy that. Anyway, as I had been sitting for most of the day I decided to get up and lean on one of the poles. I kept reading, the train kept moving and low and behold she kept staring. So i'm buried in my book when we come to the next stop. I heard the doors open and then a few seconds later I heard the door begin to close. With the sound of shutting doors came the sound of my spectator's friends, from outside of the train. She was so focused on me that she didn't notice that her friends had abandoned her. Unfortunately, she wasn't quick enough to get off the train. So, maybe you're wondering now if I tried to get her number or even spoke to her? No, I just kept reading. Maybe next time.
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